Terms & Conditions
Online purchase is base on mutual trust, if buyer can't trust online product please do not purchase from us.
Buyer should allow within approximately 1cm discrepancies for the measurements stated due to different ways of measurement.
Buyer should accept slight colour difference due to different monitor's resolution.
We will not be responsible for any wear & tear incurred in the item due to their course of daily usage.
We are not responsible for damages (eg. cracks, discoloration etc) during course of mailing, but we do check our items that they are in good condition before mailing. Basically what buyer sees in picture is the original state of the item.
Stocks & Order
Order are considered accepted base on first payment basis. If your item is out of stock (OOS) after payment is made, refund will be done.
For in stocks items, please allow 2-4 working days (unless stated otherwise) for items to be delivered to you after payment made.
For pre-order items; please allow 4-6 weeks (unless stated otherwise) for goods to deliver after pre-order close. Please do not order if you can’t wait.
We do not entertain refund, exchange or reservations due to suitability, hence buy at your own discretion.
Refund will only be made if item goes out of stock (OOS).
All prices are FIXED unless stated otherwise. NO bargain for discount unless stated other wise.
All prices are inclusive of normal local postage.
Price may fluctuate due to market demand and supply.
Do not complain when comparing of our price and other seller’s price after purchasing from us as every stock come from different source result in price difference.
Prices are inclusive of normal postage (unless stated other wise).
Prices are nett and priced in Singapore Dollars S$.
Postage & Meet-ups
For in stocks items, please allow 2-4 working days (unless stated otherwise) for items to be delivered to you after payment made.
For pre-order items; please allow 4-6 weeks (unless stated otherwise) for goods to deliver after pre-order close. Please do not order if you can’t wait.
We are not responsible for loss of items through normal local mailing. Strongly advise you to opt for registered postage to prevent lost of mail.
All items will be sent through SingPost, the local mail provider.
Meet ups only at our convenient. Please do not opt for this if you are unwilling to travel or if you can’t wait.
We accept payments via POSB/DBS ATM or Ibanking transfer [POSB Saving account 039-36637-1]. We do accept payment via PALPAL as well, but please email us to request for this option.
All ATM transfers must be accompanied with a snapshot (no scans allowed) of your transaction receipt. We reserve all rights to reject any orders without the snapshot. No refunds will be made as well. All IBanking transfer needs to have your real name as Payee Name.
All information that you provide us with will be deemed personal and will be kept confidential.
By purchasing from Le Shopaholics, you have deemed to read and agreed to the T&C set by us.
Copyright rule:
-The graphic and textual content of this site are the property of Le Shopaholics or its content suppliers.
-Modification to the contents of this site is strictly prohibited.
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